You haven't pursued a hobby or interest in a long time.
You find yourself clinging to your kids.
You barely talk to your spouse.
You feel too old for activity and adventure.
Imagine. . .
You are at your ideal weight and exercise regularly.
You have regular date nights and engaging conversations with your partner.
Your children are in their own successful careers and relationships.
You are traveling to exotic destinations.
You are actively pursuing your life goals.
“Unhappy with a part of your life?
Becky is the life Coach you didn’t realize that you needed!
From my own experience, change is hard! Becky West has the tools and the map to guide you - through the fear - and out the other side to your dreams.
She’s a talented and inspiring coach, but also a completely loving human being who makes you feel worthy of your dreams and like YES YOU CAN!
Thank you Becky, for coaching me through this quantum leap to moving to Charleston, SC and helping me achieve this amazing dream to living the beach life every day.
Sara Cyr
Mount Pleasant, SC
Because I’ve done it! I’ve been where you are right now! I was feeling the pull of life in the form of things I was longing for along with some things I wished were different. I felt like there must be more to life but I didn’t know how to go about finding it.
Like you, I was faced with a decision: to live the status quo or to make a change. You know that saying about the definition of insanity? (The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.) I am forever grateful that I made a decision to make a change and explore what might be possible. I invite you to do the same!
Your way of life for the past 18 or so years is about to change.
It can be hard and scary to see what's next.
The good news is, this can be an exciting time of your life as well! I am happy to share 3 steps so that you can begin the next chapter of your life in joy and enthusiasm!
© 2021 Joyful Transformation. All rights Reserved.
Joyful Transformation
1601 Mt. Rushmore Rd., Ste 3 #176
Rapid City, SD 57701